Photography Workshop with Tibora Bea

Ever since I had my camera, I’ve always taken pictures using the “Automatic mode” or hide behind the “Auto adjustment” setting letting the gear do all the job to have quite respectable good quality pictures. But later, thanks to a  long-time-awaited photography workshop scheduled on Jul.20 but finally happened at the begining of this month, I know all the advantages of the “Manual mode”.

It was only that Saturday that I knew we do not say a photography is “good” or “bad” but rather “strong” or “weak”. Tibora Bea, who led the workshop, started by showing us some photos taken by famous photographers and explained us why they are strong. She also explained us the “composition” theory. The rule of the thirds. Where to place your subject to make the viewer’s eyes move. And then we passed by the lines and patterns that can compose a photo. All of these are quite hard to assimilate she says but the more you look at photographies the better you understand how to read them, how photographers see the beauty of something and what message they want to pass.

Taking pictures these days has become so easy and quick. You can have them publish online in ten minutes and it will take the same time for the whole world to see it. “As long as you ask yourself should I publish or not? You can consider that it is photo journalism” Tibora said. As example and practice she asked us to come upon basic rules before publishing any photos on our blogs. These rules could be applied within Foko or why not the Malagasy blogosphere.

The last part or the workshop was the practice. “It’s Christmas time, we’re like kids discovering new toys!” said pinguin_mada. Tibora, helped us go through the basic settings of our cameras. “It’s only now that I discovered I have this option” added Hery Zo. As a newbie in photography, knowing all these options, when and how to use them is not obvious. Well, it’s hard to sum it up in a post but what I can say is that this workshop helped us a lot and now we the thing we need to do is practice more and more. Thank you Tibora, Christi and Terra for sharing. And last but not least, a big thanks to Lova the translator 🙂